“I did not tell half of what I saw”.
-Marco Polo’s last words, when asked by a priest to finally admit that his travel stories were false.

Secret Hvar is a company that serves travelers. Italics because we believe there’s a real difference between tourists and travelers. Tourists pass through, see and do the tourist things, have some fun and leave. Travelers, on the other hand, also pass through. But they do it in a different way. They feel a place, stop to breathe its air and touch its culture. They laugh and think and explore. They learn something, perhaps something fundamental, about themselves, the world they live in, and the people who inhabit it with them.

Gianfrancesco Biondi, writer, historian, Venetian and English diplomat, born in Hvar in 1573, for instance, was a traveler. Orson Welles was a traveler. In 1967, in Hvar, he filmed “The deep” starring Jeanne Moreau, Lawrence Harvey and Michael Bryant (the film was never finished due to Lawrence Harvey’s death). Marco Polo was a traveler too (incidentally, he was born on the neighboring island of Korčula). Secret Hvar is for travelers.                                                                                                 

Come and join us to discover the hidden secrets of the island of Hvar!


Secret Hvar - Your Ultimate Travel Partner & DMC in Hvar, Dalmatia - Croatia


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